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Atkinson, Othello

Rank and Name, Aviation Machinist’s Mate Third Class Othello Atkinson.

Unit/Placed in, Patrol Bombing Squadron 106 (VB-106), United States Navy.


Othello is born approx. on 15 March 1921 in Arkansas.

Father, Elbert P. Atkinson.

Mother, Lillie M. (Rouse) Atkinson.

Sister(s), Mabel L. Jewell M. Ethel, Aubry, Eunice F. Gladys and Madeline Atkinson.

Brother(s), Lelon, Aubrey P. Burl E. and Odell Atkinson.


Othello enlisted the service Arkansas in with service number # 3469274.


Othello‘s Crew-members on-board the plane a PB4Y were,

Lt.               Samuel L. Patella              Pilot

Ensign          Richard H. Wood

Ensign          John C. Mackey

Amm3.         John G. Waiden Jr.

Aom3.          Argus Winfield Jr.

Amm3.         Donald D. Dickey

Art1.            Itley D. Winn

Amm3.         Othello Atkinson

Amm3.         Lloyd E. Hume

Amm3.         William E. Lexlon


Othello died on the Mission to Funafuti Island when the plane Crashed in the Ocean on 18 Oct. 1943, he is honored with a Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, Expeditionary Medal, American Campaign Medal, Navy & Marine Presidential Unit Citation, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Othello is buried/mentioned at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu County, Hawaii U.S.A.

Courts of the missing.


Thanks to, http://navalaviationfoundation.org/ways-to-give/national-flight-log/squadron-flight-log-entry/?id=16

Jean Louis Vijgen, WW2-Pacific Website.

Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.

ABMC Website, https://abmc.gov

Navy Info, http://navylog.navymemorial.org

POW Info, http://www.mansell.com    Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.

Family Info, https://www.familysearch.org

Marines Info, https://missingmarines.com/    Geoffrey Roecker

Info, https://www.pacificwrecks.com/

Medals Info, https://www.honorstates.org

Website, https://hendrikswebdesign.nl/

Philippine Info, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/

Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com

Patrol Bombing Squadron 106 (VB-106)
PB4Y-1 Privateer
Othello Atkinson
His rank Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class