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Agans, Richard Thomas

Name and Rank, Seaman First Class Richard Thomas Agans.

Unit/placed, USS Savannah (CL-42) Cruiser, United States Naval Reserve .

Richard was born  on  1925 in  Plainfield, Union County, New Jersey.

 Father, Howard Agans.

Mother, Josephine Agans.

Sister, Marjory Agans. 

Brothers, Robert and John Agans.

Wife, Julia A. (Frey) Agans.

Richard entered  the service from New Jersey with service number # 6470730.

Richard T. Agans rank/duty was a Seaman First Class (Cruiser) in the United States Naval Reserve.

Richard T. Agans was Killed in Action when the ship was hit by a German radio controlled “fritz X Bomb” at operations at Salerno bay, on Sep. 11 1943, and he is honored with the Purple Heart, Good Combat Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Richard T. Agansn is mentioned/buried at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial,

Nettuno, Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Lazio, Italy.

Thanks to http://www.navsource.org/archives/04/042/04042.htm

Jean Louis Vijgen, ww2-Pacific.com ww2-europe.com

Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.

ABMC Website, https://abmc.gov

Marines Info, https://missingmarines.com/    Geoffrey Roecker

Seabees History Bob Smith  https://seabeehf.org/

Navy Info, http://navylog.navymemorial.org

POW Info, http://www.mansell.com    Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.

Philippine Info, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/ Robert Capistrano

Navy Seal Memorial,  http://www.navysealmemorials.com

Family Info, https://www.familysearch.org

WW2 Info, https://www.pacificwrecks.com/

Medals Info, https://www.honorstates.org

Medals Forum, https://www.usmilitariaforum.com/

Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com

Tank Destroyers, http://www.bensavelkoul.nl/

WordPress en/of Wooncommerce oplossingen, https://www.siteklusjes.nl/

Military Recovery,  https://www.dpaa.mil/

Buried on Sea
USS Savannah (CL-42) Cruiser
Radio-Guided Fritz Bomb
US Savannah hit by Fritz bomb
CL-42 Bomb Damage Chart
German Bomb plane Dornier do-217
His rank Seaman First Class
New Jersey State Flag