Name and Rank, Merchant Seaman Stanley Adamovicz,.
Unit Placed in, Liberty ship Lyman Abbott, United States Merchant Marine.
Bo·sun variant spellings of Boatswain,
A petty officer on a merchant ship having charge of hull maintenance and related work.
Stanley was born in 1920 in Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
Father, Joseph Adamovicz.
Mother, Helen Adamovicz Szmanofsk.
Both parent born in Lithuania.
Stepfather, Charles Szmanofski.
Halfsisters, Wanda and Mary Swmanoski.
Halfbrother, Napoleon Smanofski.
Stanley entered the service from Massachusetts with service number # Z-260668.
Stanley Adamovicz was a Merchant Seaman in The United States Merchant Marine .
Stanley died of wounds received by the German Attack on Bari, Italy, on Dec. 2, 1943, and he is honored with the Merchant Marine Medal, Merchant Marine Medal, Good Conduct Medal, American Defense Service Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.
And he is buried at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial, Nettuno, Provincia di Roma, Lazio, Italy.
Thanks to
Jean Louis Vijgen, and
Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.
ABMC Website,
Marines Info, Geoffrey Roecker
Seabees History Bob Smith
Navy Info,
POW Info, Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.
Philippine Info, Robert Capistrano
National Historian
Navy Seal Memorial,
Family Info,
Medals Info,
Find a Grave,
Tank Destroyers,
WordPress en/of Wooncommerce oplossingen,
Military Recovery,
Adamovicz | Stanley | Lyman Abbott | 12/02/43 | Bosun | Chelsea MA | 24 |
Libertyship LYMAN ABBOTT
Year Built 1943
Official Number 243364
Shipyard Walsh-Kaiser Company
General TypeDry Cargo
Specific TypeBreak Bulk
Ship Length 417.6 feet
Beam 56.8 feet
Merchant Marine Mariner’s Medal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Merchant Marine Mariner’s Medal is a decoration of the United States Merchant Marine. Because the Merchant Marine was not considered a branch of theU.S. Armed Forces, the Purple Heart was not available to Merchant Mariners; as such, the Mariner’s Medal was established by an Act of Congress on 10 May 1943 to solve this dilemma.
Awarded only to members of the United States Merchant Marine, the Mariner’s Medal recognizes seamen who were killed or wounded as a direct result of conflict against an opposing armed force; in specific, it was awarded to any seaman who while serving in a ship during a war period is wounded, suffers physical injury, or suffers through dangerous exposure as a result of an act of enemy of the United States. In the event any such seaman dies from the wounds or injuries before the award can be made to him, the medal may be presented to the person named in the War Risk Policy as his beneficiary. 6,635 Mariner’s Medals were awarded for service in the Second World War; all further awards of the Mariner’s Medal were suspended on 30 June 1956 and has not been awarded in subsequent U.S. theaters of conflict.
Although the Merchant Marine Mariner’s Medal is considered a federal service decoration, it may be worn on the uniforms of active duty service members.